Sunday 14 September 2014

ISIS beheads another British hostage David Haines

The Islamic State has released a video claiming to show the beheading of British captive David Haines. The an aid worker, was abducted by militants in Syria last year. He appeared at the end of a video showing the beheading of US journalist Steven Sotloff earlier this month. In the video, titled A Message to the Allies of America, the extremists also threaten to execute another Briton.

The 44-year-old has a teenage daughter in Scotland from a previous marriage and a four-year-old daughter in Croatia from his present marriage.  He  was taken while working for relief agency ACTED in Syria in March 2013, having previously helped local people in Libya and South Sudan.

Militants from IS have beheaded two American journalists, posting the evidence online in gruesome videos featuring a masked jihadist with a British accent. As well as Mr Sotloff, the other victim was James Foley.

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