Thursday 24 July 2014

Sudanese Woman, Meriam Ibrahim & Family Fly to Italy

The Sudanese Christian woman, Meriam Yahia Ibrahim Ishag, who was spared a death sentence for renouncing Islam has flown to Italy after more than a month in the US embassy in Khartoum. Meriam and her family flew on an Italian government plane, accompanied by Italian minister Lapo Pistelli. Mr Pistelli, Italy's vice-minister for foreign affairs, posted a photo of himself with Mrs Ibrahim and her children on his Facebook account as they were about to land in Rome.

Her husband, Daniel Wani, also a Christian, is from South Sudan and has US nationality. Their daughter Maya was born in prison in May, shortly after Mrs Ibrahim was sentenced to hang for apostasy - renouncing one's faith - sparking global outrage.

Under intense international pressure, her conviction was quashed and she was freed in June. She was given South Sudanese travel documents but was arrested at Khartoum airport, accused of using fake identity papers.

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