Thursday 7 August 2014

How Do I Move On With The Rest Of My Life Now That My Marriage Has Collapsed?

Since my husband lost his job, things between us have not gone smoothly. I and my son have been at the receiving end of his frustration and anger; making it look as if we caused his misfortune.
He was always beating me up, while accusing me of infidelity whenever I got back late from work. It’s been two years since he lost his job, but he has been unable to get over the pain that came with it. I stayed with him all through and coped with the mental and physical torture he subjected me to, I had to seek for help when I became depressed and almost committed suicide. They advised me to leave, and I left three days ago. Since then, he has been sending me threat messages to come and pack the rest of my belongings, and he will not miss me or my son.

It’s been three days since we both went our separate ways; and though my parents welcomed my son and I back with open arms, I am still battling hard to move on with the rest of my life. I need someone who has been through divorce to help me out as things are not exactly as easy as I thought they would be. It will mean a lot to me, thank you.

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