Tuesday 2 September 2014

US Targets Leader of Al-Shebab in Somalia Air Strikes

?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????On Monday, US forces executed air strikes in Somalia, targeting the leader of Somalia’s Al-Qaeda-linked terrorist group, Al-Shebab.
According to reports, the US targeted a location where senior Al-Shebab officials were reportedly meeting, and it is believed that Abu-Zubayr, the group’s leader, was a part of that gathering.
Although there were casualties as a result of the air strike, it is unclear whether the Al-Shebab leader is one of them, Yahoo News reports.
“We are assessing the results of the operation and will provide additional information as and when appropriate,” said Pentagon Press Secretary, John Kirby. 
Abu-Zubayr, also known as Ahmed Abdi Godane, is considered one of the world’s top eight terror fugitives.

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