Wednesday 4 February 2015

This Is Serious!! French Jets Begin Surveillance Along Nigeria's Borders As Boko Haram War Heats Up (See Photos)

Nigeria is getting increased international effort in its fight against Boko Haram militants operating in the northeast of the country after the French airforce began carrying out surveillance missions along the border to determine the terrorist movements. 

 Over the last week, the rest of the world has decided to come to Nigeria's aid as the country became hopelessly overwhelmed with the Boko Haram crisis that saw the terrorists gaining in strength and acquiring more territory by the day. In a show of support, the African Union (AU) authorised a continental force of 7,500 troops to fight the terrorists and a resolution backing this is to be submitted before the United Nations Security Council. 

 To be made up of troops from Nigeria, Chad, Cameroon, Niger and Benin, the contingent will be known as the Multi National Joint Task Force (MNJTF). AU officials are hoping to get the UN to offer the force, which has already begun operations in Borno State of Nigeria, logistical support. As its contribution towards the international effort, French military aircraft are carrying out surveillance missions to help countries bordering Nigeria. One French military source said that intelligence was being given to Chadian forces currently fighting Boko Haram on the Cameroon and Nigeria border. One French defence ministry source added: "Our air force is carrying out reconnaissance missions but not over Nigeria. Our support is limited to neighbouring countries such as Chad and Niger.

" Speaking at a ceremony on Tuesday marking the accidental death of nine French airmen in Spain last month, French President Francois Hollande had earlier said aircraft were currently operating over Nigeria. Clarifying President Hollande's comments, the presidential palace said French planes were not flying over Nigeria but that France was cooperating in the fight against Boko Haram. In May, President Hollande said Rafale fighter jets would be used for reconnaissance missions to help find the 200 girls kidnapped by Boko Haram. France has a 3,200-strong Sahel counter-insurgency force, Barkhane, in the Chadian capital N'Djamena and has fighter jets based there and in Niger, where it also has surveillance drones.

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