Tuesday 23 September 2014

Terrorism: The US and 5 Arab allies launch air strikes in Syria, hit ISIS targets

Last night, the United States in a joint effort with 5 Arab countries - Jordan, Bahrain, Qatar, United Emirates and Saudi Arabia launched air strikes in Syria against ISIS. The air strikes which is targeted at the insurgent group are reportedly focused on the north central city of Raqqa in Syria.
Pentagon press secretary Navy Rear Adm, John Kirby said in a tweet on Monday September 22,
"US military & partner nation forces have begun striking ISIS targets in Syria using mix of fighters, bombers and Tomahawk missiles."
"Given that these operations are ongoing, we are not in a position to provide additional details at this time,"  he tweeted.
The United States along with the 5 Arab countries, "struck a broad array of targets in territory controlled by the militants, known as the Islamic State," The New York Times reports.  Continue...

According to a report on CNN CNN, the opposition group Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said,  no fewer than 20 targets in Raqqa and the surrounding area were hit during the air strikes.
It is not clear how many targets are part of the strikes or how long it will last since President Obama is yet to release a statement regarding the military action.

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