Is that real?
Okay, which of the above bu’tts are real? Or, perhaps, the question should be … which of the above bu’tt’s do you like?
If you picked any other than Serena Williams’ butt on the first question, you would be dead wrong! And whatever your choice is on the second question is … up to you. Just beware that a lot of big butts out there today are as fake as a two-dollar bill.
Apparently filling out with all sorts of rubbery stuff to make one’s buttocks bigger is … well, big business if you will forgive the pun. Check out this woman’s story about the joys and perils of paying for a bigger derriere.
Money quote:
Truthfully I would like smaller bu’tt but I’m happy I didn’t die and still here for my children. I did so much dumb stuff with my body I’m lucky that I’m still living. When I look in the mirror, I think I would like a smaller bu’tt, it’s hard to go shopping, but I’m just happy I’m still hee.‘(Vanity Wonder)While one can see why women would want to, ahem, fill out some more, it’s not exactly clear why men would do it.
But they are also ‘padding’ so to speak as Hotrod’s images (below) show.
Porn actor Hotrod: before and after
If you ask me, this young man looked absolutely fine before he had whatever he opted for inserted. His butt now looks ridiculous and he must know it does when he looks in the mirror. But perhaps he didn’t do it for himself …
Side effects of butt injections
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